Thursday, November 16, 2006



alrights wanted to blog last nite but guess i was too tired.. sch recently has made me feel damn fcuked up. esp eg2 tutorial lesson. farking lecturer.. givin out test paper not happy dun give lar.. call my name le reach out wanna take e paper he go throw on e table.. he THROW on the table. cb.. i was damn piss. everything rule says rule says leader says leader says knn they ask u farking ditch ur wife go and die u wan anot. farking no brain. arghs. speak of him and makes my blood boils. other den tat alrights lar.. dog in class is funny. kenna aim in Ael lesson.. laughs* everyone sit beside him oso kenna.. =x opps.. laughs* funny lar.. and today compro lesson. some lecturer was using master control from dunno where controlling the desktop and jun han and charles kept holding the shift button clickin here and der disturbing e dunno who using.. laughs* everyone laugh until mad. like so freaking funny in class today.. EEPRO lesson oso quite boring.. haish all the circuitin and wiring.. ahh. nxt week test haish.. compro oso nxt week test. i think i have to start dng my compro assignments and project liao.. hehe.. ok lar.. nuttin much le oso.. cherrios. kinda tired turning in soon.. C=

Hurt so bad
哭了 才发现自已真的受伤了
你曾经对我说 你永远是我的
你快樂 我就快樂

也許 是我們彼此都太年輕了
總是特別容易 沉溺在愛情裡
你已離開我 我還是想對你說

Baby I love you so much 你走了我的心在淌血
Baby you hurt me so bad 想要你回到我的世界
Baby I love u so much 你給我的諾言已經瓦解
Baby you hurt me so bad
只要我們都愛著無論多苦都值得 說好的你怎麼忘記了

(use unicode to view chinese char. C= )