this is gonna be a very long entry.
yea. i did updated a few days back.
but com hang and my entries are gone.
so i was kinda lazy to update again.
but since i have to update on e chalet.
here i am and bringing with me all e pics.
haa. all the fun time together.
i'm missing all the fun now.
looking for the nxt sentosa trip.
and hope tat everything will be as fun.
before e chalet was a trip to MOS wit.
my fav cousin, miao, pat, yew on.
took a few pics der n gonna post up.
had alot fun der drinking n dancing.
everyone had fun n wad a nite.
looking forward to his return.
he's in KL in wit my aunt.
visiting his older brother.
so waiting for him to come back lo.
lols. i love him man.

In Pure Room @ MoS Miao ~ On

Pat ~ Miao

On & Mi. lol
Managed to get 3 pic cause
my memory isn't big enuff. lol.
i had a fun nite n didnt wan it to stop.
ahhh. so sad. lookin forward 2 e nxt one.
next up e chalet =D
e long awaited pictures. haa.
First up e dares

Charles wit his dare

Pat as Ju-Yon

Miao wit e hunk dare. lols

Pat kissing Charles. lol

Me kissing guan =( rofl

Miao & Mei Yi. lol

Charles wif his second dare.
Kim, Charles, Mei Yi, Miao, Pat and Me.
the true or dare game.
brought to u by Young. =x
Alll rights reserve. haa..
Next up the water balloon game..

Pat getting wet.

Foul call by kim. Punishment

I got sabo-ed.. =x

E'vryone jus having fun.

Kim with alot of punishment.
So we all got wet. and who cares.
lols. we had fun. tat's was imp.
aww.. btrice nu er. where are u???
lols.. so sad.. ~ hee =x
next time next time.
der will b more to come.
Dinner time

Slacking around. w8tin for food.

Chef of e day = Pat's dad. =x

there were lots of food.
everyone had fun.
Kim guan, Charles, Vincent, Kenny, Patrick,
Miao, Mei Yi, Beatrice, Jessie, Calvin, Kent,
Tony, Xiao Bai. Lols. ( not in order )
hee. well i had lots of fun.
and wishing for another session.
muahahaha.. alrights. guess i'm getting abit
tired. Andy's gng to be back in a few hrs time.
i gonna gif him a surprise by fetching him.
Calvin and Hui ping is gng oso.
so i should be turning in already.
nites guys. tata
this is gonna be a very long entry.
yea. i did updated a few days back.
but com hang and my entries are gone.
so i was kinda lazy to update again.
but since i have to update on e chalet.
here i am and bringing with me all e pics.
haa. all the fun time together.
i'm missing all the fun now.
looking for the nxt sentosa trip.
and hope tat everything will be as fun.
before e chalet was a trip to MOS wit.
my fav cousin, miao, pat, yew on.
took a few pics der n gonna post up.
had alot fun der drinking n dancing.
everyone had fun n wad a nite.
looking forward to his return.
he's in KL in wit my aunt.
visiting his older brother.
so waiting for him to come back lo.
lols. i love him man.

In Pure Room @ MoS Miao ~ On

Pat ~ Miao

On & Mi. lol
Managed to get 3 pic cause
my memory isn't big enuff. lol.
i had a fun nite n didnt wan it to stop.
ahhh. so sad. lookin forward 2 e nxt one.
next up e chalet =D
e long awaited pictures. haa.
First up e dares

Charles wit his dare

Pat as Ju-Yon

Miao wit e hunk dare. lols

Pat kissing Charles. lol

Me kissing guan =( rofl

Miao & Mei Yi. lol

Charles wif his second dare.
Kim, Charles, Mei Yi, Miao, Pat and Me.
the true or dare game.
brought to u by Young. =x
Alll rights reserve. haa..
Next up the water balloon game..

Pat getting wet.

Foul call by kim. Punishment

I got sabo-ed.. =x

E'vryone jus having fun.

Kim with alot of punishment.
So we all got wet. and who cares.
lols. we had fun. tat's was imp.
aww.. btrice nu er. where are u???
lols.. so sad.. ~ hee =x
next time next time.
der will b more to come.
Dinner time

Slacking around. w8tin for food.

Chef of e day = Pat's dad. =x

there were lots of food.
everyone had fun.
Kim guan, Charles, Vincent, Kenny, Patrick,
Miao, Mei Yi, Beatrice, Jessie, Calvin, Kent,
Tony, Xiao Bai. Lols. ( not in order )
hee. well i had lots of fun.
and wishing for another session.
muahahaha.. alrights. guess i'm getting abit
tired. Andy's gng to be back in a few hrs time.
i gonna gif him a surprise by fetching him.
Calvin and Hui ping is gng oso.
so i should be turning in already.
nites guys. tata